What to do if you get homesick on Koh Phangan

While many of us are living on the Crystal Island or traveling around Koh Phangan, occasionally everyone catch a homesick feelings.

The most important thing is to keep in mind why you are on Koh Phangan in the first place, even if everyone handles this differently. The homesickness will soon pass, and it costs nothing to go sit on the beach and ponder about things.

Another apparent choice is to call your family and friends on Skype and chat with them. They will instantly make you feel better.

After that, don't forget to visit the lovely beach and relax there!

On this island, there are numerous opportunities to meet new people. One of these is to not be scared to attend a party alone because there will be other solo travelers there. The Green Cross Beach Clean is a voluntary organization that organizes beach clean-ups. Many individuals participate, and you can talk with them while helping to clean up the island. You will feel fantastic after spending your time helping the island, and the local Thais will appreciate it. You will also have met many new people who share your philosophy. There are animal charities where you can meet wonderful people who can assist you in getting involved in anything from helping build to taking care of the animals directly by walking a dog. If you like the idea of this, read our articles on PACS. This will undoubtedly brighten you up and is beneficial to both your health and the charities on the island, who will adore volunteers (Phangan Animal Care).

Koh Phangan has too much to offer for one to feel homesick, lonely, or irritated there. Have you ever attempted kite-surfing if you're just bored? Diving? Wakeboarding? Zip lining?

If the answer is no, try it out because you might discover that you love it so much that you want to continue doing it forever. Additionally, you'll meet new people there who share a similar interest with you and who have undoubtedly experienced homelessness themselves at some point.

Most Farrangs and Thais alike will welcome you with open arms and invite you to join their group of friends for a fantastic time on Koh Phangan, which is packed of tourists who are either traveling alone or with other friends.