Telegram chats and Facebook groups in Koh Phangan

The island has many general and thematic chats and groups, such as; flea markets, night parties, where to find a travel buddy, private closed woman chats, how and where to rent a bike or car or chats with football fans. Most chats are on Telegram and several are on Facebook and in VKontakte groups. Here is a list of some of the chats and their topics.

General Chats

The oldest chat on the island
Chat on the neighboring island of Koh Tao
News channel with no rumors, just facts.

Transport and housing

Who to ride with and who is ready to give a ride
Renting and sale of bikes and cars
Ambush on the road
Search here for rental houses
Search here for rental houses and villas
Channel with available rental houses

Games, Activities, Fun

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Useful Theme Chats

Buy and sell rubles, dollars, baht, cryptocurrency
Games, dinners and communication in English
Group for communication on the philosophy of the existence of the world and the universe
Making the island cleaner: cleaning beaches and recycling
Island Business Club: meetings, lectures and joint trips

Facebook and VKontakte groups

23 thousand, closed group
14 thousand participants
3 thousand participants
2 thousand participants
55 thousand, English group
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