How to safe appliances and things from humidity in Thailand

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In all Asian countries, the air is salty and humid. It is so good for the skin, but destroys your gadgets. Water and salt (which are in the air) react with metal on the contacts of your phone, laptop and camera. As a result a short circuit can happen and the equipment will burn out. And it doesn’t matter if you have a cheap Chinese copy or the last iPhone.
Music speaker in Multi house cafe in Chaloklum

Use your laptop in air conditioned space

The essence of air conditioning is not that it makes the air cooler. The main thing is that he makes the air dry. It means removing the humidity.

Of course, sitting on the beach by the sea with a laptop is a great shot for Instagram. But just the repair can cost half the cost of the device.
С ноутбуком на пляже у моря
Don’t do that…

Keep the equipment in the thermobox

About half a day (8 to 12 hours) you spend at home. At night it is not enough to leave the equipment in the air-conditioned room. It is better to keep it (as well as documents) in a thermobox. The water absorber balls (dehumidifier) will suck the moisture residues out of your device better than any rice.

How to make a thermobox

There are no ready-made thermoboxes. And it is not difficult to make it. You need to buy a container (170−250 baht), double thick scotch (20 baht) and a couple of blocks of moisture absorber (110 baht).

First, at the Tesco Lotus store, BigC or any 20-bath shop, we choose the right container. Notice how the lid falls on the box itself. So that the plane lay on the plane, not on the ribs. That is did not pass the air. Usually one in 10 boxes fits. So you might have to look.
Пластиковый контейнер для техники
A small container bought in "20 baht shop" costs 190 baht
Then we buy thick two-way tape. I found a package of three in one in "20 baht" shop.

The point of this tape is that it's thick. You need to stick the tape on the contour of the box, including the all corners. The top part (second layer) of the tape film is not torn off. The top side should not stick. Tape is needed to keep the lid of the box even tighter on the container itself and not let the air to come in.
Gently stick the box along the contour to make the lid fit very tightly
Then you need to buy a moisture absorber. It’s sold at HomeMart, BigC and Watsons (two for 80 baht). In large stores (such as HomePro on Koh Samui) you can often find 3 containers for 100 baht. There are flavored (lavender, rose) or odorless (in black packaging).

On average, one block is enough for a month. So count on the number of your containers, backpacks and bags (about this below).
поглотитель влаги в Таиланде, dehumidifier
A moisture absorber with the smell of lavender in Big C costs 56 baht
Remove the protective foil film and put in a container.

The principle of work is simple. Small white balls (at the top of the box) absorb moisture from the air, which then settles in the form of water at the bottom. That is, after a while in this plastic jar at the bottom will appear water. So put it carefully put in the corner of the container.
поглотитель влаги в Таиланде, dehumidifier после использования
A month later the balls completely disappeared, and the water was gained decently

How to save clothes from mold

More than often some of your belongings, which you do not use in Asia, are stored in a suitcase and backpack. Or stacked with a stack on a shelf in the closet. If your air conditioner does not work 24 hours a day (or you do not have it at all) — then after a while you will find mold on the clothes.

Believe me, it is very unpleasant. When you take a hat, you try to open it, and you can’t. Because the fungus glued it from the inside. In the laundry, I ended up washing it, but it’s a different story.

The best way out is to put a moisture absorber unit in a suitcase (backpack).

Either make another great thermobox for things you don’t wear. There to remove the passport and important documents. And of course all the electronics.
гермобокс, герметичный бокс для техники и поглотитель влаги
Important things are always stored in the thermobox
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